Do you pay an energy bill? Here are 7 tips for saving money this winter.



1. Turn the thermostat down by at least 1ºC to reduce annual bills by up to 10 per cent


2. Save £50-£90 a year by turning off lights, appliances and chargers when you’re not using them


3. Switch to energy-saving bulbs, and buy LED spotlights to replace halogens


4. Save more than £55 a year by being careful how you use your kitchen appliances; wash your laundry at 30°C, use a bowl to wash up and don’t fill your kettle right up


5. Use the sun’s light and warmth during the day but close your curtains at dusk to keep the heat in


6. Keep the heat circulating by moving large furniture away from radiators and buy reflective insulating wrap to go behind them

sofa reflective insulation

 7. Save baths for a treat because showers use a third of the energy



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